SENSIndoor partners meet in Pfinztal, Germany

February 03, 2015

The SENSIndoor Consortium Members in Pfinztal, Germany

After 12 months of research and development, SENSIndoor partner Fraunhofer Institute for Chemical Technology (FhG-ICT) invited the project consortium to their premises in Pfinztal, Germany, for the 2nd progress meeting of the project. From 28 – 29 January 2015, the consortium members brought each other up to date regarding the work progress in the different work packages of the project and discussed the next steps to be taken. A stimulating exchange of ideas regarding the sustainability, dissemination and exploitation of present and future results generated within SENSIndoor concluded the meeting. The SENSIndoor partners can look back at a very productive and successful first project year and look forward to two more exciting years to come. A newsletter is currently planned which will include a detailed summary of the project achievements so far. The newsletter is planned to be released online in spring 2015.